Demolition Services Kirkland and King County
We offer a very comprehensive list of demolition services in Kirkland and King County. We’re located in Kirkland, WA but we will commute.
The following information is very important to know. Have you recently hired a contractor to renovate your home?
Did you know that contractors will charge you the same skilled hourly rate for a renovation as they do for demolition or a debris removal service?
Don’t over pay! Whenever a contractor submits an estimate, be sure to see what they have calculated for the demolition service and removal of the construction debris.
Many times a contractor will outsource the demolition service and/or the junk removal to companies like us.
By hiring us you will significantly save money, and if there are any recyclables within the debris we’ll make sure to properly dispose of it.
Fence Removal?
If you got a fence that needs to be removed because it’s old and rotted, we’ll take it away.
And if you want a new fence installed we can refer you to reputable tradesmen who are fully capable of building any kind of fence you desire.
An old fence can become a hazard if the posts become rotted. It can fall in unwanted places causing all sorts of unwanted complications.
If you’re unsure about your fence you can call or text us anytime to schedule a visit and we can assist you in determining if you need a fence removal service.
Deck Demolition and Removal?
We once saved a homeowner $1,000 because they decided to hire us to demo their deck and haul it away. How’s that for demolition services in Kirkland?!
The contractor was going to charge top dollar for the demolition and removal of the deck.
Luckily the homeowner inquired about each service and then reached out to us to see if we could help. We got the job done.
With our power tools and know-how we’ll safely and skillfully demo any deck and then remove the debris to the nearest sorting facility.
We also can assist by providing highly skilled deck builders who are affordable and can build any kind of deck you want.
When you hire us you’re not only getting a demolition service and a junk removal, you’re getting a construction concierge. We’re truly here to help.
Carport Demolition?
Though it’s not too common to want a carport removed, it’s not unheard of.
A client once called to have a carport removed because the city was expanding a street and the carport was going to be too close to the street.
This particular carport also had a shed attached to it that was still functional. We were tasked with removing the carport without damaging the shed.
And that’s exactly what we did. We demoed the carport without ever touching the shed. The client then relocated the shed to a different part of the property.
Just as with fence and decks, we can help with finding you the best talent for building carports or awnings. We’re not limited to only demolition services.
Shed Removal?
Bought a new house and there’s a dilapidated shed on the property? Or maybe you’ve decided to build a new and bigger one.
Shed removals can be dangerous, especially if you think you can just push it over and disassemble it afterwards.
Sheds like all construction projects are full of nails and heavy wood which if they fall in an undesired way, can cause damage or harm.
We’ll safely demo any shed and remove the debris.
Like most demolitions, we normally disassemble sheds, decks or carports in the reverse way they were built.
What does that mean? A simple explanation would be that carports are first built by installing the posts, then the beams then the roof.
So when we take it apart we begin with the roof, then the beams and then the posts. If you decide to do it yourself we recommend doing it this way.
And just as with all our demolitions services, we’re equipped to provide you with the best resources for your building projects. Simply call and let’s have a talk!
Kitchen and Bathroom Demolitions?
Oh the happy thoughts when you know you’re getting an upgrade. It’s the best. And if you want the best renovation, and you want the best bang for your buck, then give us a call.
For every kitchen or bathroom demolition we do, we have the best contact for general contractors. And if you use someone we refer, you won’t overpay. Why’s that you say?
Because contractors that advertise for their services have to pay very expensive rates to acquire customers and that price is then reflected in the bids consumers receive.
When you hire us to demo your kitchen or bathroom, or any room, you’re going to save money by not over paying for the skilled rates that a contractor would be charging.
AND if you use one of the contractors we refer, you’ll also save by not having to over pay since the contractor won’t have to pay expensive rates to acquire you as a client!
Let us help you with any and all of your demolition services. You’re going to like our prices and you’re going to love our contractors.
What other kind of demolitions services in Kirkland do we do?
Anything and everything. We’ll remove a tree house or one of those giant dollhouse.
Got a hot tub time machine? We’ll send it back to the scrap.
A concrete driveway? A tree? A lazy boy seat? However unique it is, give us a call and let us help you find a solution.