Electronics Removal in Kirkland and Bothell
Did you know that electronic devices such as TV’s, laptops, hard drives, processors, cameras, cellphones, video game consoles, motherboards, CPU’s, or basically anything that requires more than just an electrical current, needs a proper electronic disposal? You can count on us for any electronics removal in Kirkland, Bothell, Redmond, Bellevue.
Here at Trailer Trash Junk Removal we are experts at electronics removal in Kirkland and King County cities. We pride ourselves on affordable pricing and exceptional service.
To get a quote, simply text an image(s) to 425-236-4787 and we’ll respond with a price. Hi my name is Pat and I’ll be the one responding to you.
In case you’re wondering, the difference between electrical devices and electronic devices lies in the way they manipulate electricity.
A treadmill would be considered an electrical device, whereas a laptop is an electronic device.
A toaster or a vacuum will take electrical energy and heat it up to produce the desired result. A lamp will take the same energy to create light. And a fan will do the same and create motion.
Think of electrical devices as generating light, motion or heat. In contrast, an electronic device will take the energy and manipulate it.
The key difference is the manipulation of energy. For instance, a cellphone will add sound information and image information to the electrical current and create something like a music video.
Why is a proper electronics disposal necessary?
The most important reason for the proper disposal of electronics is due to the hazardous materials that are found within them.
Electronics need to go to special facilities in order to extract the hazardous materials and recycle the appropriate materials. Still unsure if we can help? Give us a call anytime 425-236-4787